Dead by Daylight Manga Shocker: Must-Read Crossover Hits June 28!

Dead by Daylight Manga Shocker: Must-Read Crossover Hits June 28!

What’s Dead By Daylight Doing in a Manga? Plot Twist Alert!

Are you ready to have your minds blown, pals? Imagine you’re creeping around a dark, misty forest at night, heart pounding, because there’s a killer on the loose. Now, hit pause, grab some snacks, and let’s jump into the vibrant, inky world of manga! Yep, that’s right. Our beloved Dead by Daylight game is diving headfirst into the world of manga with the Dead by Daylight Fan Comic Anthology. Talk about an unexpected, highly anticipated crossover – and it’s launching on June 28. Intrigued? Oh, you should be!

When Games Become Manga Magic

You Heard It – Dead by Daylight Goes Manga

Hey cosplayers, gamers, and anime aficionados! Kadokawa’s Monthly Comic Alive magazine announced via X (the platform formerly known as Twitter) on June 21 that Behaviour Interactive’s horror-fest game, Dead by Daylight, is getting its very own manga anthology. Can you imagine the suspense, the horror, and the thrilling chases leaping out of the game screen straight into comic panels? Teru, our fantastic cover illustrator for this volume, has beautifully concocted an embodiment of this transition. Spoiler: it looks hauntingly majestic!

Meet the Voxel Meg Keychain

And if that news isn’t spine-chilling enough, the first edition of this anthology will come with a serial code for a redeemable in-game Voxel Meg keychain. Imagine strutting around the game wearing this, making all your online friends green with envy!

Dead by Daylight – A Fiendish Game, Now with Comic Flair

A Quick Refresher on the Game

For the uninitiated, Dead by Daylight is an asymmetric multiplayer game where one player steps into the gloomy shoes of a ruthless killer. Meanwhile, four other players are frantically scurrying around, trying to escape and survive the nightmarish hunt. The game’s knack for integrating iconic killers from various media franchises – think Silent Hill, Halloween, Stranger Things, and more – is what makes it a cult favorite. Since its launch in June 2016 on PlayStation 4, it’s infested Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Stadia, and Xbox Series X/S platforms.

The Bridge to Manga Wonderland

So what happens when such a thrilling game gets a manga makeover? You get an anthology that’s set to pull readers into intense sequences and spine-tingling art. It’s like having heart-pounding gameplay at the turn of every page, leaving you balancing on the edge of your seat!

Why You Can’t Miss This Anthology

Perfect for the Manga Maniacs and Dead by Daylight Devotees

If you’re a hardcore manga lover, this anthology is going to blend the most electrifying realms of strategic survival horror with sublime storytelling. It doesn’t matter if you’re a cosplayer looking for your next cosplay inspiration or simply an anime fan craving some thrill – this anthology promises to be a thrilling rollercoaster of emotions.

Exclusive In-Game Goodies

That Voxel Meg keychain? It’s an enticing bait for veteran Dead by Daylight players. Exclusive, stylish, and a bit of a show-off – what’s not to love?

Get Yourself a Copy – Mark Your Calendars!

Launch Day – The Horror Lands on June 28

Circle June 28 in your calendars, folks! That’s when this tantalizing anthology hits the shelves. Whether you’re a digital devotee or a physical book collector, you’ll want to get your hands on this.

Get On-Board the Manga Train

If you’re new to Dead by Daylight, the anthology could be your gateway into understanding why this game has such a dedicated fan base. Not to mention, it’s perfect for manga enthusiasts who have yet to discover the charm of this horror masterpiece.

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In the terrifying world of Dead by Daylight, every night is an adventure, and the manga anthology is bound to add another layer of excitement and horror. So, gear up, snag your copy, and let the eerie tales unfold one page at a time!

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